Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Hotel Remodeling - Renovation And Interior Design Setting New Trend In Hotel Construction Management.

The past three years have been the best for the hotel industry in more than two decades and is expected a boom in coming years. Revenue per available room has jumped to 10% approximately as compared to last year, the biggest increase since 1984.
Hotelier who wanted to capture the market share, increase the revenue per available room of their hotel and enhance their guest's experiences it is suggested to get some remodeling, interior design or hotel renovation work done to make their success their priority.

Just keep in mind hotel remodeling also accounts complete hotel renovation services, such as restaurants, spas, golf courses, marinas, casinos etc.
The hospitality industry relies heavily on the ability to achieve superior ratings from guests. Defining the guest experience depends on many subtle factors such as the bed quality, fabrics, linens, mirrors, the completed hotel interior is essential for success. And it is very necessary to tailor and cater carefully as per the tastes and demands of individual guest.

To feed this emerging demand to hotel industry, professional companies are stepping forward to provide complete Hotel Construction Management services inclusive of Hotel Remodeling, Interior design and Renovation services.
These Hotel Construction Management companies do not offer hotel operation services; they are only concern with the hotel operation and work deliberately with the property management team to insure on time completions with little or no guest inconveniences. These companies are having trained staff that manages and accomplished their job smartly and insures hardly or no trouble to hotel customers.
If you are hotelier is interested to reinvent his / her brand start, it is suggested to refer such a Remodeling and Renovation cum Construction Management service provider. As they can provide you a quality work which can definitely prove a cost effective strategy for your hotel brand.
A leading professional hotel construction management company at Dallas Texas, offering quality services for its clients throughout the North America. Request free quote for hotel remodeling and renovation service.

4 komentar:

  1. Jasa Desain Arsitek dan Kontraktor

    1. Pengolahan Siteplan
    Pemahaman kondisi sekitar serta pembuatan layout jalan dan kavling
    Fee: Rp. 1.000 – 5.000 / m2

    2. Pembuatan Konsep dan Perencanaan Arsitektural
    Gambar Pra-rencana, pemilihan tema desain, studi fasade, dan perencanaan denah
    Fee: Rp. 50.000 – 100.000 / m2

    3. Pembuatan Rancangan Teknik Terinci
    Pembuatan Gambar Kerja sebagai acuan pengerjaan oleh tukang di lapangan
    Meliputi gambar2 rencana dan detail yang diperlukan dalam pembangunan
    Fee: Rp. 25.000 – 50.000 / m2

    4. Perhitungan Struktur
    Penentuan spesifikasi dan dimensi elemen struktur dari konstruksi rumah 1 dan 2 lantai
    Hitungan dan Gambar Struktur untuk melengkapi RAB
    Fee: Rp. 10.000 – 20.000 / m2

    5. Biaya Pembuatan Perspektif Interior / Eksterior
    3Studio MAX image with V-ray rendering and material mapping (Photoreal)
    View ditentukan oleh klien
    Fee: Rp. 500.000 – 1.000.000 / View

    6. Jasa pembuatan maket presentasi kawasan
    Skala 1 : 100 Ukuran display ( 120 x 80 cm)
    Gambar arsitektur disediakan oleh klien
    Fee: Rp. 5.000.000 – 10.000.000 / View

    7. Biaya Pembuatan Marketing Support
    Meliputi Pembuatan Desain Brosur, Poster dan Iklan Media Cetak
    Fee: Rp. 1.000.000 – 3.000.000 / Paket

    8. Biaya Pembuatan RAB unit rumah
    Penentuan spesifikasi dan harga bangunan serta perkiraan harga pokok pembangunan
    Fee: Rp. 10.000 – 15.000 / m2

    9. Biaya Pembuatan Gambar IMB
    Gambar arsitek disediakan oleh owner
    Fee: Rp. 1.000 – 3.000 / m2

    10. Jasa Soil Test ( Sondir )
    Soil test untuk rumah tinggal terdiri atas 2 titik dan 1 boring
    Fee: Rp. 3.000.000 – 5.000.000 / m2

    11. Project Supervising
    Supervise the progress on field (3 days a week)
    Fee: 1,5% of Total Project Value (max. 6 months)

    12. Contractor
    Fee: 10% of Total Project Value

    13. Cost & Fee / Borongan Tenaga
    Bahan material bangunan dari owner
    Fee: Rp. 500.000 – 1.500.000 / m2

    14. Renovasi Bangunan / Borong Keteng
    Bahan material bangunan dari owner
    Fee: Tukang & Kenek : Rp. 75.000 – 100.000 / hari

    15. Feng Shui Untuk Rumah Anda
    Menentukan arah hadap pintu masuk, posisi r. tidur, r. kerja, dapur berdasarkan
    tahun kelahiran ( Pa Kua & Lho Shu )
    Fee: Rp. 2.000.000 – 5.000.000 / rumah
    Hubungi segera :
    PT. Diorindo Graha Perkasa
    Jl. Harapan Mulia Raya no.1B
    Telp: (021) - 9138 6230
    Mobile: (0812) - 8769 8336
    Email: elevenstudios@yahoo.co.id

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